Husky WOW LCIZ Tours- Learning Community Members

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Select Your Learning Community Below to Register for a Tour!

Space is limited so please register with your "family unit" for one time slot within your LC

Business Connections House

Monday, August 24th:

  1. 6:00-6:15pm
  2. 6:15-6:30pm

Tuesday, August 25th:

  1. 6:30-6:45pm
  2. 6:45-7:00pm

Wednesday, August 26th:

  1. 7:15-7:30pm
  2. 7:30-7:45pm

Thursday, August 27th:

  1. 6:00-6:15pm
  2. 6:15-6:30pm
  3. 8:00-8:15pm
  4. 8:15-8:30pm

Friday, August 28th:

  1. 6:30-6:45pm
  2. 6:45-7:00pm



Connecting with the Arts House

Wednesday, August 26th:

  1. 6:45-7:00pm
  2. 7:00-7:15pm


    Monday, August 24th:

    1. 8:45-9:00pm

    Tuesday, August 25th:

    1. 9:30-9:45pm
    2. 9:45-10:00pm

      Engineering House

      Monday, August 24th:

      1. 7:00-7:15pm
      2. 7:15-7:30pm

      Tuesday, August 25th:

      1. 8:00-8:15pm
      2. 8:15-8:30pm

      Wednesday, August 26th:

      1. 7:45-8:00pm
      2. 8:00-8:15pm

      Thursday, August 27th:

      1. 9:00-9:15pm
      2. 9:15-9:30pm

      Friday, August 28th:

      1. 7:00-7:15pm
      2. 7:15-7:30pm

      Fine Arts House

      Monday, August 24th:

      1. 8:00-8:15pm
      2. 8:15-8:30pm
      3. 8:30-8:45pm

      Global House

      Wednesday, August 26th:

      1. 6:00-6:15pm
      2. 6:15-6:30pm
      3. 6:30-6:45pm

        Human Rights & Action House

        Monday, August 24th:

        1. 6:30-6:45pm
        2. 6:45-7:00pm

          Humanities House

          Thursday, August 27th:

          1. 7:00-7:15pm
          2. 7:15-7:30pm

            Innovation House

            Tuesday, August 25th:

            1. 7:30-7:45pm
            2. 7:45-8:00pm

              Friday, August 28th:

              1. 8:30-8:45pm
              2. 8:45-9:00pm

              International Engineering House

              Wednesday, August 26th:

              1. 9:15-9:30pm

                La Comunidad Intelectual

                Wednesday, August 26th:

                1. 8:15-8:30pm
                2. 8:30-8:45pm

                  Leadership House

                  Monday, August 24th:

                  1. 7:30-7:45pm
                  2. 7:45-8:00pm

                  Tuesday, August 25th:

                  1. 6:00-6:15pm
                  2. 6:15-6:30pm

                    Thursday, August 27th:

                    1. 7:30-7:45pm
                    2. 7:45-8:00pm

                      Nursing House

                      Thursday, August 27th:

                      1. 6:30-6:45pm
                      2. 6:45-7:00pm

                      Friday, August 28th:

                      1. 7:30-7:45pm
                      2. 7:45-8:00pm

                      Pharmacy House

                      Tuesday, August 25th:

                      1. 8:30-8:45pm
                      2. 8:45-9:00pm

                        Friday, August 28th:

                        1. 6:00-6:15pm
                        2. 6:15-6:30pm

                        Public Health House

                        Monday, August 24th:

                        1. 9:30-9:45pm
                        2. 9:45-10:00pm

                          Wednesday, August 26th:

                          1. 8:45-9:00pm
                          2. 9:00-9:15pm

                            Friday, August 28th:

                            1. 8:00-8:15pm
                            2. 8:15-8:30pm

                            ScHOLA²RS House

                            Wednesday, August 26th:

                            1. 9:30-9:45pm

                            Thursday, August 27th:

                            1. 8:30-8:45pm
                            2. 8:45-9:00pm

                              Transfer Connections House

                              Tuesday, August 25th:

                              1. 7:00-7:15pm
                              2. 7:15-7:30pm

                                WiMSE House

                                Monday, August 24th:

                                1. 9:00-9:15pm
                                2. 9:15-9:30pm

                                Tuesday, August 25th:

                                1. 9:00-9:15pm
                                2. 9:15-9:30pm

                                  Thursday, August 27th:

                                  1. 9:30-9:45pm
                                  2. 9:45-10:00pm